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Our Purpose


The mission of Asian American Christian Fellowship (AACF) is to reach into the university and collegiate community, primarily to those who are Asian Pacific Americans, with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. 


We are committed to making disciples by educating and equipping students in biblical foundations, Christian disciplines, and the development of spiritual gifts in order to prepare them for witness and service on the campus, in the local church, in the marketplace, and in world missions.


College students who come through the ministry of AACF are educated and equipped for witness and service to wherever God leads them. Our aim is to give them knowledge and experience to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16) to the communities where God has placed them and beyond. We do this by giving students opportunities to lead and serve. We deeply value student leadership and their initiative to creatively contextualize ministry on their campus. We give them a framework for campus ministry and they are encouraged to make it their own.


Our ministry specializes in reaching Asian Americans on the college campus. Our fellowships are open to all. You don’t have to be Asian, American, or Christian to join our fellowship. We extend a humble invitation to any student who is searching for forgiveness and the grace of Jesus Christ.


Asian American Christian Fellowship

Contact Us

(213) 613-0022


Attn: AACF


P.O. Box 86047

Los Angeles, CA 90086

©2024 Asian American Christian Fellowship

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