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AACF UC Irvine

About Us

🕘  Wednesday at 8:30PM

260 Aldrich Hall

Irvine, CA 92697

AACF-UCI is an on-campus para-church geared towards primarily, but not limited to, Asian American college students. AACF-UCI desires to serve Jesus Christ on these campuses to reach the 95% of Asian Americans who do not know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. This is the last major opportunity to share Jesus as students congregate on college and university campuses and ponder major decisions for their future. AACF-UCI provides opportunities for students to grapple with the issue of God in their lives as well as explore the opportunity to serve their campuses and fellow students as they live out the life of Jesus while on campus.

Established at UC Irvine in 1978, AACF-UCI has been reaching out to the campus with the gospel for more than 35 years. Since its birth, AACF-UCI has invested in the lives of over 1500 students, growing Christ followers and developing more than 225 student leaders passionate about loving God and loving others. Our alumni continue to be leaders making an impact for God on the campus as volunteer or paid campus ministers, in the local church as pastors or ministry leaders, in the work place as managers, teachers, health care professionals, etc., and in the world as career missionaries.

To find out more information about our chapter, its specific ministries and what’s going on, email us at or visit our Facebook page at:

Supporting Ministry

As you are aware, AACF-UCI is an all student-run parachurch. Without the encouragement, spiritual and financial support, prayer, and ultimately God’s will, AACF-UCI would not be what it is today. We ask that you may continue to walk with us this year and keep us accountable to be rooted in Christ. As a student-run ministry, we humbly accept any financial support to assist and serve any newcomers, returners of AACF, as well as to fund AACF events and equipments. We ask that you carefully consider giving back to this campus ministry in prayer and offering. If you feel God leading you to give back to your ministry in donations and offerings, please feel free to utilize the online donation/giving option on this website.

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