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David Lee

AACF Campus Minister - USC

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One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts.
—Psalm 145:4


How do we help college and post-college Asian Americans grow up in today's uncertain times? For the past ten years, I have been exploring this question in discipling them, sharing the good news with them, and sharing life with them in both campus ministry and church contexts. It's by the grace of God that I get to return to my alma mater at USC to serve students once again!


My ministry vision is that Asian American students would find love and acceptance in Christian community and friendship, a deeper understanding of their personal identities, reconciliation and healing in their families, and purpose in caring for and discipling future generations of the church. As a full-time campus minister, I would advise student-leaders as they take charge of their own ministry and engage in one-on-one discipleship with students who want to take further intentional steps to grow. I would deeply appreciate your partnership in prayer, friendship, and giving in this work that God sends me towards!


For more information about who I am, I invite you to explore my various writings at my blog.


To sign up for email updates from me, please fill out my Google form here.


Give online here or if you prefer to give by check, make the check out to “AACF” and write my name on the memo line. Mail the check to P.O. Box 86047, Los Angeles, CA 90086-0047.


If you have any questions please call the JEMS office at 213-613-0022 or email (


Thank you for your time and consideration. 

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